
Visiting a new church can be pretty intimidating! We know because we’ve all been there. We’ve designed this page so you’ll know exactly what to expect on the first visit.

Our church is a welcoming and embracing community, where people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences are accepted and valued. We believe that everyone is created in the image of God and has something valuable to contribute to the community.

Connect With Us

A Community of Acceptance, Love and Home

Our church is a welcoming and embracing community, where people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences are accepted and valued. We believe that everyone is created in the image of God and has something valuable to contribute to the community.

Worship and Spiritual Growth

Our desire is that people of every background can have an authentic encounter with God during our worship service. You'll be greeted by people of all ethnicities, in casual wear, who love God, each other and love making new friends. The worship, led by a musically gifted band, will be contemporary, crafted to draw our hearts into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Community and Fellowship

Connect with others who share your faith, and to grow in your understanding of the Bible.

Service and Outreach

Participating in our outreach programs is a way to connect with people in need and make a positive impact in the community.

Adult Bible Studies

Join us for Diggin’ Deeper: Adult Bible Study featuring The Book of Romans by J.D. Greear! Thursdays, 6:45–8:15 PM. Child care available—just indicate on the sign-up form. Sign up below!

Quest for God. Unite as One. Express with Love. Serve through Ministry. Transformed for Life.

Popstroke - Feb. 18th- A Church-wide event sponsored by the Men's group

Fill out the form below, and Let us know you’re coming