Children and Youth

Infants - 5th Grade | 6th Grade - 12th Grade

Quest Kids

Discovering God's Love: Our Children's Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry offers age-appropriate Bible studies, activities, and events that are designed to be fun and engaging for children. We aim to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn about the Bible and develop a relationship with God.

Staffed and Safe

We have a staffed and safe nursery available for children under 3 during the service, so parents can focus on the worship.

Learn about the Bible

We offer age-appropriate children's programs during the service, where children can learn about the Bible and have fun in a safe and engaging environment.

All Children Are Welcomed

Our church is a welcoming and inclusive environment, where families are valued and supported.

Youth Ministries (6th Grade Through 12th Grade)

Youth meet on Sundays at 10 am during the worship service. Have them sign is at the Quest Kids check-in table for fellowship, a lesson and games. Youth are also welcome to participate in the regular worship service with you.

Youth also meet in person on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. Join us for a fun night of games, lesson and fellowship.  We do fun activities like going to the movies, out for ice cream, pool parties, Funspot, and Rock the Universe Event. Registration is not necessary and all are welcome; you don’t need to be a member or attendee at Quest Church. For more information, please contact Allison at


Our Youth Ministry provides a supportive and safe environment where teenagers can explore their faith and ask questions without fear of judgment.

Authentic Relationships

Our Youth ministry can help teenagers to build relationships with other Christian teenagers and adults who can serve as positive role models and spiritual mentors.

Purpose and Direction

We help teenagers to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus, which can give them a sense of purpose and direction in their lives.

Come and Visit Us at Quest Church